Ramadan is finally here. This year it’ll last from February 28th to March 29th. Ramadan is a sacred month for us to grow spiritually, engage in self-reflection and giving back to our community. However, for students, this blessed month can also bring challenges. Balancing prayers, school and work requires time management and energy, but how can we do that? It may seem difficult but with the right tools and support, this Ramadan will be one full of success and prosperity.
Managing Time:
Many students do sports, clubs or have after school jobs. During any other time of the year, most of us are able to keep a balanced schedule that fits our religious and non-religious needs, however when Ramadan comes, juggling both of them can become a challenge. This is why it’s important to learn how to manage our time.
After-school sports and clubs can keep you from home by the time maghrib rolls around and then after that you have to do prayers and read the quran. Oftentimes this will leave you with no time to do your homework before bed. You could stay up late every night for Ramadan to do your homework, or you can do your homework after suhoor and fajr as most of us won’t be going back to bed anyways. This is also why you should prioritize getting your work done in study hall or during in-class work time. You could also use the time you would have had for lunch and instead use it to complete your assignments.
If, like me, your after-school job runs through maghreb and isha, you can talk to your employer about allowing you a time to pray. Even having only one break can allow you to pray maghrib at work and then pray isha when you get home. If you have a more lenient employer, you can ask to be put off the schedule for the rest of the month to focus more on your islamic duties.
Keeping Energy
Many students have difficult classes, extracurricular activities and even sports that they must. continue. When your brain and body is functioning on limited energy, it can be difficult to concentrate and perform these tasks. That’s why it’s important to fuel your body before the sun rises.
When you wake up at 5am for suhoor, consider eating foods that are high in protein, fiber and healthy fats. These foods will give you the energy you need during the day and can help keep you full for a longer period of time. This will be especially helpful to any student athletes who participate in their sport during Ramadan.
What are some other ways to continue doing physical activities? Well, Zainab Abdullah says, “I typically do my practise [or workouts] in the night or really early in the morning,” If you have the time and energy, it would be a good idea to do these physical activities during the time in which we are allowed to eat, so that we can replenish our energy straightaway.
Islamic Goals:
Sometimes, it can be easy to forget the real goal of Ramadan as most of the time this month can feel very centered on food or the lack of. To help you keep track of your goals, consider using a planner or journal to write down what you want to accomplish this Ramadan and your progress. It’ll also be helpful if you break down your goal into smaller, more manageable goals that don’t overwhelm you. Azmi Pasha says, “I usually try to read the entire quran for Ramadan.” If you have a goal like Pasha, then you can break this goal down by planning out how many pages you are going to read everyday. Planning out how you want to accomplish your goals can prevent you from going off track or biting off more than you can chew.
Another great way for you to stay on track is by reflecting on your goals and progress everyday. Keeping a positive mindset and adjusting your goals accordingly can help keep you motivated to see your goals to the end.
As the crescent moon signals the start of Ramadan, remember that this month is a special time to recharge, refocus and reconnect with Allah (SWT). By prioritizing your spiritual growth, taking care of your physical and mental health, and staying well organized, you’ll be able to make the most out of this Ramadan. May Allah (SWT) accept your efforts, grant you guidance and fill your heart with peace. Ramadan Mubarak!