Mr.Kewer is extremely popular here at Broad Run. Some would even say that he is the most popular counselor here. But I’m guessing that not a lot of us really “know” him, so let’s get to know him by diving a little into his life.
Working in education has always been in the back of Mr.Kewer’s because he grew up surrounded by it as his dad was in education an administrator and teacher and he liked the idea of working with students in a one on one because he feels that’s his strength opposed to teaching a classroom full of students. “I like the idea of being a counselor where I could work with students one on one. I like building relationships that way. And I felt that was more my strength as opposed to teaching and having a whole classroom,” he said. Mr. Kewer made the switch to school counseling after working as a salesman. After doing the sales job for some time he realized that this was not something that he would enjoy doing 10 or 15 years down the road, so he decided to spend his energy on something that he would have enjoyed and that ended up being school counseling.
Mr. Kewer has worked as a school counselor in one other high school and interned at two other schools before working here at Broad Run. While he doesn’t necessarily think that Broad Run is better than the other schools he has either worked or interned at, he definitely thinks that Broad Run has a certain charm to it and he thinks that the “charm” comes from Broad Run’s sense of community. “I think Broad Run has a great sense of community. You know, what you put into it is what you get out [of it]…I’ve been lucky to sponsor clubs and coach sports, and I think that has given me a sense of purpose.” And it’s not only Mr. Kewer who thinks that, according to him he has seen a lot of Broad Run alumni who have come back and worked here and in his experience he has never heard anyone speak ill of Broad Run which he thinks is because of the charm this school possesses. “They say nothing but good things, and they have fond memories of Broad Run. It’s never anything negative, which I think is pretty impressive,” he said. Another aspect of this job Mr.Kewer likes doing is the guidance he can provide to high school students when they are at an age where they make decisions for themselves and they have some sort of autonomy. He finds it fulfilling.
Mr.Kewer is a counselor who enjoys being at Broad Run and likes the sense of community it provides. Mr Kewer also enjoys giving guidance to high school students who at a time when they have the ability to make decisions for themselves which he finds to be a nice way of giving back to the community he loves very much.