Daylight savings time is currently on a spot for being canceled in 2025. These rumors are spreading out all over news and social media outlets. The president Donald Trump wants to also cancel daylight savings this year, however for now it is unclear about what he may do. Daylight savings time is usually when the clock shifts and spins one hour backwards during springtime around the world. Therefore, this results in an extra hour of daylight which makes it hard for people to wake up and might influence their sleep schedule, which would also result in people’s working hours getting longer. This process of less sleep but more work would disrupt people’s lives.
Firstly, daylight savings can affect people’s sleep schedule since the clock falls one hour backwards, just for an extra hour of sunlight. This can make it really hard for people to concentrate on their sleep balance and can make it difficult for them to go someplace where they need to be such as working long hours or being at school for a whole eight hours. For instance, 10th grader Margaret Maranto said,”It’s annoying because it messes up my sleep schedule” which means that she can’t perform well when an hour is being cut off from the lack of sleep she gets and it tends to be a bit hard for people like her to concentrate in her studies and find time for her to create some balance between those long hours of work time. As well as daylight saving time affecting those with an afterschool activity such as getting darker outside.
Another reason as to why daylight savings time should be canceled is because it can affect those with a job. This affects people who work a job because they have to constantly lose an hour of sleep and also that means another hour of work. People who work after school tend to work another hour just because of an extra loss of sleep or daylight affecting them when they work. It can also negatively affect students’ performance. That means more relying on coffee and less sleep. For instance, 10th grader Katelyn Remes said,”Well I guess they get less time to sleep. And it’s also less time to get ready and everything. So it feels more rushed for them during work.” Therefore, this means that it can lead people to feel more “rushed” and affect them a lot. Daylight savings time can affect people’s work hours.
Daylight savings time should be canceled because it can affect people’s sleep schedule and cause longer work hours. As well as the rumors arguing about how daylight savings can affect the overall impact of their daily schedule and their to time unwind throughout the entire day. As well as the president Donald Trump announcing that he wants to cancel daylight savings. The reworking of people’s sleep schedule to make them have less time for resting and recharging can negatively impact their overall health.