Senior Athletes: Mackenzie Miller

Aliza Ahmad, Editor

It was varsity Field Hockey captain Mackenzie Miller’s last season playing for Broad Run. “I will miss all my friends on the team and the great memories that I have made along the years.” Her favorite memory is, “Winning district freshman year. Nothing will ever top the feeling of us storming the field, knowing that we had finally done it and that I had been a player throughout the season who helped us get there. I even have the article from when we were in the newspaper framed in my room.”

Miller’s accomplishments include earning a varsity letter her freshman year, being captain her junior year, and being the Broad Run field hockey team’s second leading scorer for the 2022 season. While the Field Hockey forward has some impressive accomplishments, she has also had some not-so-great moments too. “My worst sports performance was our game against Dominion my sophomore year. I was out of it mentally, could not connect with the ball, and lost all my hustle. I got so frustrated that I just wasn’t able to play, and I basically gave up. I took that game and it made me realize that even when I was playing off, I couldn’t give up,” said Mackenzie.

Her plan after high school is to major in either psychology or international business, and play club field hockey. “I love this sport with all my heart. I have made some of my closest friends through teams, and I have had amazing coaches. I strive to be the best player I can be, and in every game, I leave everything that I have on the field. It is where I feel all my worries melt away and I can just play solely based on a love for the game,” she said.

Congratulations Mackenzie, good luck with this next chapter of your life!