Senior Athletes: Kristina Lavanty

Broad Run Field Hockey’s Kristina Lavanty

Aliza Ahmad, Editor

As an athlete, one of the most bittersweet moments is the end of the sports season. This is especially true for senior athletes, like Kristina Lavanty. 

Broad Run Field Hockey’s back defense, Kristina Lavanty has been playing her sport since she was in 5th grade. “I fell In love with the sport when in 5th grade. Wanting to be in a sport, I found hockey. It was something I needed to be a part of, and from then [on] I was always wanting to play. I wanted to [be] running around having fun [with] my teammates. I  wanted nothing more than [to] play [the] game.”

She first joined Broad Run’s Field Hockey team during her Freshman year of high school. She described her teammates as,” Family. It’s one big family.” She is also a fan of her coaches, “ the coaching is amazing. The way they push the girls to be the best they can be,” She said. Over the last 4 years, Lavanty won districts her freshman year, made the second team Dulles districts her junior year, co-captained her junior year, and is now captain her senior year. She also holds the record for the second-highest defensive saver at Broad Run.

Kristina appreciates, “the overall support of the families coming to games in the cold and rain cheering us on and always supporting everyone. [it] means a lot to me and everyone on the field.” Her favorite memory playing field hockey for Broad Run is her Senior Night. “ It was one of the last things I did with my team but knowing that I have made an impact, and the memories I have made I felt good, [and] felt at peace knowing that I left with happy memories. It’s hard to come to the realization that it’s over due to me not doing this after this. It’s sad to see my family go but I know the time I had was an amazing 4 years.”

With Kristina’s high school career wrapping up, she plans to go into the field of theatrical theater with a focus on set and/or set dressing. Her advice for Broad Run students is to, “find a club [or] a sport, something you will have a blast, making new friends and memories. That’s what you are going to remember about high school”

“If you are [one of my] coaches reading this, thank you!  Thank you for always believing in me and showing me I can do anything and be who I want. Lots of love Kristina.”